Our Projects

Ridge Carbon Capture Ltd (RCC), part of the Ridge group of companies, is a natural carbon capture developer and investor with an established and successful history of working with landowners and tenants to design, build, finance, and maintain peatland restoration projects across the UK.

In doing so, we help to repair our climate, remove carbon from our atmosphere and generate marketable carbon credits. Our projects cover thousands of acres and counting, all funded by our own private capital (and public grant funding where available) across the project lifetime – not just the initial restoration.

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  Ridge Carbon Capture Projects

Ridge Graham 1

Ridge Graham 1

Ridge Graham is the first peatland restoration project in England to blend private and public finance via the Nature for Climate Peatland Grant Scheme (NCPGS). Together with its second phase, the project will stop around 50,000 tCO2 from being emitted over 100 years.

Status: Completed
Location: Cumbria, England
Size: 227 ha
Point of Interest: Hadrian’s Wall

Ridge Graham 2

Combined with the first phase of our project in Cumbria, Ridge Graham 2 aims to further benefit the catchment of the River Irthing which feeds directly into the Eden just outside Carlisle. This confluence has been the location of several major flooding events in the past, and RCC aims to help reduce the frequency of these flood events.

Status: Under Construction
Location: Cumbria, England
Size: 220 ha
Point of Interest: RAF Spadeadam

Ridge Rottal

Ridge Rottal

The project will help abate 8,000 tCO2 over 50 years. Following a government initiative, Ridge Rottal has been selected as a pilot project where biodiversity metrics will be monitored to track improvements in species richness and evenness as a result of our restoration with techniques including invertebrate monitoring stations, bird bioacoustic recorders and drone imagery.

Status: Under Construction
Location: Angus, Scotland
Size: 77 ha
Point of Interest: Cairngorms National Park

Ridge Dell

Ridge Dell

The project aims to reduce over 23,000 tCO2 emissions over 100 years and has been developed in collaboration with Peatland Action. The bare peat on the site will be restored using a ‘living carpet’, an innovative technique meant to reestablish sphagnum mosses and restabilise the degraded areas.

Status: Under Construction
Location: Inverness-shire, Scotland
Size: 90 ha
Point of Interest: Loch Ness